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"My father was a doctor." Does this mean he is no longer living?

If I say, “My father was a doctor,” does this mean that he is no longer living, or that he changed his career? — Julia, China

Without any context, the sentence “My father was a doctor” tells your listener(s) only that your father was a doctor in the past. Why he is no longer a doctor is left unspecified.

As you point out, it could be because he has died, or because he has retired, or because he is now doing another kind of work. If you want your listener(s) to have this information, you need to add it.

But often the context of the conversation makes it clear, as in this example:


Speaker A: Where do your parents live now?

Speaker B: In Florida. They retired there 10 years ago.

Speaker A: What kind of work did they do before they retired?

Speaker B: My father was a doctor, and my mother was a chemist.


 I hope this helps!


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