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What does "yield" mean?

What does "yield" mean? — Tony, Canada

'Yield' has a few different meanings. One of them is "to produce or provide (something, such as a plant or crop)" or "to produce (something) as a result of time, effort, or work." Below are some examples of this use:

  • This soil will yield good crops.
  • The trees yielded an abundant harvest this year.
  • The recipe yields 24 cupcakes.
  • The research yielded helpful information.


'Yield' can also mean "to stop trying to resist something" or "to stop trying to fight someone or something." Below are some examples of this use:

  • After several hours of debate, the opposition yielded.
  • The designer yielded to the critics and started over with a new plan.
  • The mayor finally yielded to the protesters' demands.
  • He yielded to temptation and had another cookie.


'Yield' can also mean "to bend, stretch, or break because of physical force or pressure." Below are some examples of this use:

  • The old floorboards yielded to the weight of people walking on them.
  • Ripe fruit should yield slightly to pressure.
  • The trees yielded to the strong winds.


'Yield can also mean "to allow another car or person to go ahead of you or in front of you." Below are some examples of this use:

  • The driver failed to yield and was hit by another car.
  • When entering a traffic circle you must yield to the cars already in it.
  • You must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.
  • Oncoming traffic must yield the right-of-way.


I hope this helps.


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