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Safe, Safely, and Flat Adverbs

Which one is correct: "get home safely" or "get home safe"? — Julie, United States

Most students learn that "safely" is an adverb and "safe" is an adjective.

Safe as an adjective:

  • This is a safe car.
  • He felt safe in his home after installing an alarm.
  • Your secret is safe with me.
  • They didn't think the old bridge was safe to walk across.


Safely as an adverb:

  • He safely removed the splinter from the child's finger.
  • They arrived safely home after their flight.
  • She always drives safely.


But some adverbs are used without the -ly, and in informal speech or writing, that's fine. When an adverb has the same form as the related adjective it is called a flat adverb. In formal or academic writing, however, you should add -ly to these adverbs.

  • She showed them to their car and told them to drive safe/safely.
  • He called his kids to make sure they got home safe/safely after school.


Some other flat adverbs: slow, quick, easy, tight. Learn more here:



I hope this helps.


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