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Responding to Questions that use "This" and "These"

What is the proper response to the question, "Are these ___?" Should we say, "They are ____" or is it better to say, "These are _____"? For example, Question: Are these mice? Answer: Yes, these are mice. OR Yes, they are mice. — Katy, Japan

It's somewhat more common to answer "They are mice" but "These are mice" is also correct.

"These are mice" might be a better answer if something else is in the group of things the asker is referring to. For example, if someone asks "Are these mice?" and they point to a box containing mice and rats, you might answer, "Yes, these (the mice) are mice, but these (the rats) are rats" to differentiate. Otherwise, it's very common to replace a word like this, that, those, or these with a pronoun like it or they, or he or she or they if you are talking about a person/people.

Here are more examples:

Q: Is that a goat?

A: Yes, it's a goat. [less common = yes, that's a goat]


Q: Is that your friend?

A: Yes, she is (my friend) [less common = yes, that is my friend]


Q: Are these your glasses?

A: Yes, they're mine. [less common = yes, those (glasses) are mine]


Q: Are these dishes clean?

A: Yes, they're clean. also Yes, they are. [less common = yes, these (dishes) are clean]


Q: Do these shoes belong in the closet?

A: Yes, they do. [less common = yes, these (shoes) do belong in the closet]


Q: Is this book yours.

A: Yes, it is (mine). [less common = yes, this book is mine]


Q: Can these clothes be donated?

A: Yes, they can be donated. [less common = yes, these clothes can be donated]


I hope this helps.


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