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People Who Live in Glass Houses

What is the meaning of "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones"? — Felicity, Cameroon

The saying "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is used to say that people who have faults should not criticize other people for having the same faults. Below are some examples of how it is used.


Jim: You shouldn't drive so fast, Jerry!

Jerry: Well, didn’t you just get a speeding ticket last week? People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!


Maggie: Matt's room is always a mess. He needs to clean more often!

Mom: You're room isn’t clean either, Maggie. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Because this proverb is so widely known, it is often shortened. Below is an example of this.


Kevin: I can't believe Aaron just quit another job. Isn’t that the fourth one this year?

Kim: And how many jobs have you had this year? People who live in glass houses…


I hope this helps.


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