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Don't, Doesn't, Singular, Plural, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Person Subjects

When should I use don't and doesn't? I ____ like apples. My friend ____ eat fish. This college ____ have a sports hall. Ahmed and Natasha ____ live in Sharjah. The university ____ need lazy students. Her parents ____ let her go to the mall alone. — L., Oman

Use "doesn't" with a 3rd person singular subject. With all other subjects use "don't." Below is a table showing this:





1st person

I don't

we don't

2nd person

you don't

you (all) don't

3rd person

he/she/it doesn't

they don't



First, identify which person and number each subject is:

I (1st person singular) ____ like apples.
My friend (3rd person singular)  ____ eat fish.
This college (3rd person singular) ____ have a sports hall.
Ahmed and Natasha (3rd person plural) ____ live in Sharjah.
The university (3rd person singular) ____ need lazy students.
Her parents (3rd person plural) ____ let her go to the mall alone.

Now match the subject with the correct verb form:

I don't like apples.
My friend doesn't eat fish.
This college doesn't have a sports hall.
Ahmed and Natasha don't live in Sharjah.
The university doesn't need lazy students.
Her parents don't let her go to the mall alone.


I hope this helps.


Learn more about don't and doesn't here


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