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Are Collective Nouns Singular or Plural?

A herd of cattle is or are? — Suchita, Nepal

A collective noun is a word that describes a group of people, things, animals, etc. Below are some collective nouns (shown in boldface):

  • a herd of sheep
  • a choir of children singing
  • a family of doctors
  • a bouquet of flowers
  • a flock of birds


In American English collective nouns are more often singular, and so a singular verb is used with them. (In British English they are more often plural, and so a plural verb is used with them.) Below are some sentences showing collective nouns with singular verbs (shown in italics):

  • A herd of sheep is grazing happily in the field.
  • A choir of children sings beautifully on TV.
  • A family of doctors was gathered at a reunion.
  • A bouquet of flowers sits on the table.
  • A flock of birds flies over our heads.


Sometimes when the members of the group are doing different things, or are not acting together as a unit or with a shared purpose, a plural verb is used. A singular verb is still correct in these examples. Below are some examples of this:

  • A herd of sheep are scattering in all directions across the field.
  • A choir of children are all from different schools.
  • A bouquet of flowers were strewn around the room.


If you’re unsure whether to use a singular or plural verb with a collective noun, it's safe to use a singular verb.


To read about plural collective nouns (more than one group of things) click here


I hope this helps.


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